Big Announcement Buy Paint Pour Images!

Big Announcement Buy Paint Pour Images!

Big news ….

I am joining PiecePrints – The Original Furniture Overlays team!! 

You can now buy paint pour images that I have created.!  Click on link below to check them out!

You can use these images on furniture or use them to create paint pouring art.


I think Amy @ Ajs Vintage Designs said it best,
“Gotta love the look of a paint pour without the mess of actually doing one PiecePrints – The Original Furniture Overlays”

Words can not express how exciting this is for me! I am inspired daily by amazing artists that make me want to be better. 

“Self confidence is a super power. Once you start to believe in yourself, magic starts happening. “ -unknown

This is big for me. I have been working really hard to build my business Brushed Restorations by Rosie and I can see it paying off!!!! 

Thank you everyone who has supported and encouraged me!! Babe thank you for being there for me and helping me through this.

